Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Minimizing Max!

I just have to tell everyone how proud I am of Max!
He was sitting at the kitchen table the other night performing surgery on his belt, and after he was done I was AMAZED at the end results!
Take a look at this picture! It just shows all the hard work and perseverance he has put in the last 18 weeks!

That is OVER 9 inches cut off!!!! WAY TO GO, MAX!!!!!!!

Coming soon will be before and "in-progress" photos!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Miss J Monday

"I wanna play!"

Those are Jaden's favorite words! And what she is really saying, "I want you to play with me!" How cute is that! And who can turn down a request like that?
Jaden has some pictures to share of "playtimes" over the past couple of weeks.
Playtime at Bisque It
I taught Grampa Max one of my favorite games....Peek-a-Boo through the cupboard doors!

Sometimes Gramma J lets me do my own hair.
As you can see I am developing my own style!
I had fun painting with my cousins Evan and Olivia and Cathy!

I had a play date with my friend Hannah. She came up from Muncie to paint with me!
Playtime at Gramma Pat's and Grampa Wayne's
I am getting really good at putting together my ABC floor puzzle!
Thanks, Aunt Cindy, for letting me play with it!
Gramma Pat has a fun new toy....PLAY DOH!!!
Maybe the Easter Bunny will put some of this in my Easter Basket!

Playtime at Gramma J's and Grampa Max's
Look at my "newest" toy at Gramma and Grampa's!!!
This was my mommy's when she was a little girl!
I LOVE playing in my little kitchen!
And Lucy likes playing with me too!

Big Sister

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Little Sister

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

est. 1981

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker