Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have to give a shout out to Max today!
CONGRATS on losing a total of
70 POUNDS!!!!!
Keep it up! I am so proud of you!!!


Max Teders said...

...and I'm extremely proud of your reaching your goal and still having a good loss this week. Way to go sweetie! You are the one who has made my effort much, much easier than it could have been. Now if that last bunch of lard would just disappear...

Shannon said...

Looks like I'm about to owe Dad TWO dinners!

Kelly said...

Congrats Max!!! and Jenny! You both look great!

fuzbukt said...

Think of it this way, Max.

You are only three-quarters of the man you used to be! ;)

Nice going, dude!

Big Sister

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Little Sister

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

est. 1981

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